//silence is golden
The dusky and the marbled spinefoot (rabbitfish) are two herbivore fish originating from the Red Sea that have invaded in the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal. Nowadays, they are thriving in greek seas threatening the populations of the native herbivores such as the salema fish and the parrotfish. Consumption of the rabbitfish can assist in protecting marine biodiversity and complementing the income of small scale artisanal fishermen. Yet, the rabbitfish is considered an exceptional dish in Cyprus pricing equally to groupers and white seabreams (25-30 € per kg).
[1] https://nmp-zak.org/sites/default/files/upload/csm_LOGO_COLOUR_FishMPABlue-2_NO_BORDER_3466d52c58.png
[2] https://nmp-zak.org/sites/default/files/siganids%20leaflet_final%20%281%29-page-001.jpg